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Superior Working
Dog Rules


Working Weight Pull Dog Superior Certification - WWPDS



Tracking Sheet




The Working Weight Pull Dog Superior program has been developed for those Alaskan Malamutes who have demonstrated superior working ability over time. These dogs have earned a WWPDX title and have continued to participate in weight pull and have increased their strength and endurance at higher weights.


There will be no reuse of legs earned from existing WWPD, WWPDA, or WWPDX titles. The owner/handler applying for the title will provide documentation in the form of full copies of the pull statistics with all the dogs in each leg’s pull to support the legs.


Note: There will be a grace period of one year beginning January 1, 2022 for owners to apply for this certificate for their dogs who have attained this level in the past but are no longer working in weight pull or for dogs who are deceased. No reuse of legs that were used to earn WWPD, WWPDA, or WWPDX legs will be allowed. This grace period will end December 31, 2022.


1. All dogs must have attained two full years of age and must have their WWPD and WWPDX titles


2. All dogs must be weighed at each event. A dog must be pulling in the weight class appropriate for the individual dog. All weights are rounded down to the nearest whole number. They may not move down or up a weight class within a competition.


3. Dogs must qualify in 5 competitions by:

a. Pulling 18 times their weight on snow with a sled.

b. Pulling 20 times their weight on any other natural surface with a wheeled cart.

c. Pulling the following weights by weight class, on a man-made surface:

i. 60# and Under Class – 30 times the dog’s weight

ii. 61-80# Class – 30 times the dog’s weight

iii. 81-100# Class – 28 times the dog’s weight

iv. 101-120# Class – 26 times the dog’s weight

v. 121# and Over Class – 26 times the dog’s weight


4. AMCA, ISDRA, IWPA or other approved rules shall be used.


5. If, at a competition, over 75% of the total number of dogs entered in the entire competition (encompassing all classes except Novice) pull the required title weight for the dog’s class, that pull will be disallowed.


The Working Weight Pull Dog Superior title will be administered by the Working Dog Excellent Committee.


Weight Pull Application (see WDX page) You may fill in this form online and then save it to your computer or just print it out. It will not be saved online on this website.


Working Weight Pull Dog Superior Tracking Sheet (see WDX page) You may fill in this form online and then save it to your computer or just print it out. It will not be saved online on this website.




Effective: January 1, 2022


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