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Judge's Education


The Judges Education program provides student judges with the vital information needed to properly define and choose exhibits most closely representing the ideal set out in the Breed Standard. 


All seminars include any written materials provided by AMCA including the Illustrated Standard and the Power Point Presentation on a thumb drive.  The thumb drive can be purchased separately.  For information contact the Judge's Education Coordinator.


The program consists of a seminar component that offers a Power Point presentation.  The Power Point includes the history of the breed, a written commentary about each section of the official standard, photos of dogs of various styles considered to be good representatives of the breed and Malamutes at work and play. In addition the Workshop (Hands On) component allows students to go over various dogs giving them the chance to actually practice what they learned in the seminar. 


This practicum also provides the opportunity to evaluate a number of exhibits, place them as they would in a ring and articulate, in breed specific terms, why they placed as they did. Ringside mentoring is offered by AMCA approved mentors when requested at shows where no seminar is presented. 


Articles written by various Malamute breeders and/or judges are available at SHOW SIGHT ONLINE.


Upcoming seminars​

  •  October 24, 2024 - AMCA National Specialty - Wilmington, OH


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