All Around
Alaskan Malamute

Here is the updated list of recipients as recognized by the All Around Alaskan Malamute committee. You can learn more about these dogs on the Aritcles page, under "Our Amazing Malamutes": see Award Recipients.
*New levels for the BAM to be awarded in 2023.
We have no application "form". We request an application packet that furnishes all the requirements. We like photos.
To apply: send $20 (application fee in US $) and 1 copy of each document that shows meeting a qualification to the committee chair. A written statement is needed for the Temperament requirement. There are 4 categories in this program: AAAM, VAM , SAM and BAM. The BAM has 4 options. We are finding the use of an email message containing scans of the application works very well. So if you wish to apply for an AAAM, BAM, SAM or a VAM, please >>email<< your application and snail mail 1 copy with the $20 application fee if possible.
Conformation: A championship title (AKC, CKC, FCI, etc.)
Obedience: A Companion Dog title (equivalent or better, Agility, Rally title)
Sledding : A WTD or a WLD @any level
Weightpull: A WWPD @any level
Backpacking: A WPD @any level
Temperament: This is a BIGGIE! Written verification by a neutral party of what the dog has done in public contact. Neutral party could be a club representative if the program was a local club program… could be a school teacher or principal from a school demonstration…could be an administrator from a nursing home…someone neutral, preferably official.
A Therapy Dog certificate, TT title, CGC title, etc., are not enough to fulfill this requirement, but if the dog has them, including them certainly wouldn’t hurt! Hands-on public contact experience is also a major ingredient in this requirement. Be sure to include all examples that apply and at least a rough estimate of the time spent at each. This is important.
Miscellaneous: Optional (or possibly a replace for one of the FIRST five categories). A Tracking Dog certificate, or a verification of work in Herding, Search and Rescue, etc.
IMPORTANT POINT! The Temperament requirement of these titles is never to be waived or traded off. It is a definite requirement for the All-Around Alaskan Malamute, the Buddy Alaskan Malamute, the Serviceable Alaskan Malamute and the Versatility Malamute.
For this title, any one of the FIRST five required categories for AAAM may be dropped in trade for advanced work in TWO of the others… OR…Progress can be shown in one category (ie, a majority of legs in obedience or working, or points in conformation) but not completion, and added to advanced work in another area.
Conformation: A championship title (AKC, CKC, FCI, etc.)
Obedience: A Companion Dog title (equivalent or better, Agility, Rally title)
Working: Any of the AMCA working titles
Temperament: The same requirements as in AAAM, BAM and VAM
Any combination of 10 verifiable titles or certificates.
Must be issued by a >>national<< organization like the AKC, AMCA, CKC, UKC, etc. Titles can be ATTS, CGC, Trick Dog, Dock Diving, championship, herding, scent work, tracking, WPD, WWPD, WTD etc.
No MORE than FIVE(5) in any one “activity/category/ discipline”. The multi-level categories could be agility, obedience, conformation, rally, etc. If a dog has earned 15 levels in agility, this only counts as 5 towards the 10.
Each title earned must have a certificate and a brief write up on what you did for the prep and what you needed to do to qualify for the title. This should include the amount of time and training involved.
Clarification on what an activity, category, and discipline could be. The AMCA’s Working Dog (WD) committee currently offers multiple levels for in each of the 4 activities. If your dog has 3 levels for each of the 4 (pack dog, lead dog, weight pull, team dog), that would be 12 titles. These 12 meet the 10 minimum and would qualify for a BAM, as long as the temperament requirement is met.
For the NEXT levels of BAMs, 10 (ten) certificates maximum for each discipline, any of the AAAM awards, AMCA performance & conformation ROMs can be included. BUT, you MUST be able to furnish the certificate for it to be counted. No write up for each award will be required. A list with title and date AND the certificate needs to be furnished with the certificates grouped by “activity/category/ discipline” for the following advanced levels of the BAM:
Buddy Alaskan Malamute Advanced (BAMA) would be for those with at least 20 titles that meet all the other requirements. Please submit 20 (TWENTY) certificates and proof of temperament.
Buddy Alaskan Malamute eXcellent (BAMX) for those with 30 or more. Please submit 30 (THIRTY) certificates and proof of temperament.
Buddy Alaskan Malamute Master (BAMM) for 40 or more qualifying titles. Please submit 40 (FORTY) certificates and proof of temperament.
It should be noted: your Malamute may start at whatever category level your dog qualifies for. For example, if you wanted to apply for a BAMM, even though your Malamute does not currently have a BAM, you can pay the fees for BAM, BAMA & BAMX all at one time or just for the BAMM certificate.
Temperament: the same requirements as in AAAM, basic BAM, SAM and VAM. As always, the temperament option need only be met once.
ALL applications for any of the 4 BAM options must be submitted via email AND a hard copy supplied of the of each 10, 20, 30 or 40 certificates.
The basic “BAM” requires temperament and 10 “titles, awards, or certificates”. The advances levels need the temperament element AND the additional certificates.
Please submit completed application packet prior to Sept 1 to be awarded at the current year’s National.
Effective 6-1-2019 (note: BAM to be 1st awarded in 2020.)
Effective 9-1-2022 add BAMA, BAMX and BAMM (note: BAM to be 1st awarded in 2020, advanced levels will 1st be awarded in 2023.)

AAAM – All Around Alaskan Malamute
#1 “Moochie”- Chinome’s Arctic Invader * Owned by Owned by Sam Walden * 1998
#2 “Kwin”- Wencinja’s Out of the Kwestion * Owned by Nichole Royer * 2011
#3 “Major”- Winterstarz Ursa Major* Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2012
#4 “Howler”- Winterstarz Sun of Istari* Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2012
#5 “Jacob” -Wind’s Fury Jacob Trailblazer
* Owned by Kate Salvadore, Barbara Salvadore, Tim Muldoon, Sheila Hjermstad * 2012
#6 “Atka”- Arcticdawn's Guardian Spirit * Owned by Raissa Hinman * 2012
#7 “Ruffy” –Luv Sno’s Dymnd N’ the Ruff *owned by Jane Palinkas & Vicki Palinkas* 2013
#8 “Sahara” - SnoShire’s Sahara Snow Angel * Owned by Tammy Doukas * 2013
#9 “Indiana” - Halatsuu Indiana Snow Raider * Owned by Tammy Doukas * 2013
>>>>(2013 Sahara & Indiana are the first dogs to earn all 3 awards SAM, VAM and AAAM)<<<<
#10 “Comet” – Tarnish’s Artic Streak* Owned by Leesa A Thomas & Rhyde P Thomas * 2013
#11 “Penny”- Winterstarz Pleione of the Pleiades * Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2013
#12 “Bumper”- Powderhound’s Silver Lining * Owned by Jennifer Effler-Leveille * 2013
#13 “Comet” – Modar’s Yule Pied Comet * Owned by Mary Swinyer * 2014
#14 “Monty”- Sno Quest’s for the Holy Grail * Owned by Andrea & Matt Sautbine * 2014
#15 “Slate” - Yukonjak’s Slate * Owned by Chris Hibner * 2015
#16 “Deuce” - Spiritrun’s Uppin’ the Ante * Owned by Colleen and Dave Belanger * 2015
#17 “Wes”- Winterstarz Western Star * Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2015
#18 “Ruckus”- Northpaw's Arrakis of Winterstar * Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2015
#19 “Ivy”- Amaqqut On The Pull * Owned by Jennifer Effler-Leveille * 2015
#20 “Lucy”- Powderhound's Blaze of Glory * Owned by Jennifer Effler-Leveille * 2015
#21 “Scorch”- Winterstarz Scorching Tania Borealis * Owned by Timothy O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2017
#22 “Rae”- Winterstarz Power of Astraea* Owned by Timothy D O’Brien & Katherina D Burger * 2019
#23 “Aziraphale”- Delphi's Good Omen for Crickhollow * Owned by Alexis Smith * 2022
#24 “Mira”- Winterstarz Stella Mira* Owned by Patrice & Mark Herzfeld * 2022
#25 “Calvin”- Catanya’s Ice on Fire* Owned by Patrice Herzfeld & PJ Harrison* 2022

What’s in a Title?
You may ask yourself, why do I do this? What is a title really? Is it worth it?
Titles are not just a brag. Not just a stepping stone to a higher title. Not just an adjunct to competitive scores. A title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory, for about as long as anything in this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better in that regard.
And though your dog, itself doesn't know or care that their achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count. A title says your dog was intelligent, and adaptable, and good-natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that pleased you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed.
And a title says that you loved your dog, that you loved to spend time with them because they were a good dog, and that you believed in them enough to give them yet another chance when they failed. Proving that in the end your faith was justified.
A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with so many titles was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.
And when that dear short life is over, these titles remain as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set of initials or a whole string of initials after their name. It shows love.
-Anonymous (highly modified by Charlene G. LaBelle)